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2 What is being spokenabout , what is being demonstrated in the audiovisual text
or in one of its identified segments (that is, what are the domains of knowledge
thematized , what are the subjects being dealt with)?
3 From which point of view, and according to which authorial framework are
these domains and subjects approached (that is, how are the subjects handled by
their “author”, and how is discourseconstructed around them)?
4 How does the author express a subject thematized and interpreted discursively
in an audiovisual text or in a specific part thereof? How is that subject represented
visually and acoustically (or indeed, what is the audiovisual mise en scène ( staging )
of a subject)?
5 How does a subject selected, interpreted and staged by its “author” develop
into a coherent whole (both in terms of its textual linearity and of its syntagmatic
(and narrative) integration to form a potential resource (of knowledge, information,
etc.) for a given public and use context?
6 To which tradition does this textual “task” belong - this task consisting of the
selection , discursive treatment , expression/audiovisual mise en scène of the subject
and its linear and syntactic integration into a coherent and finalized whole? (In other
words, what is the genre* which the text or that segment of it which arouses
particular attention and interest (for a certain use context) refers to or is part of?)
7 Given, on the one hand, the cultural reference framework of a specific
audience and their expectations/needs, and on the other, the specific profile (the
authorial identity ) of the text, what operations need to be carried out in order the
bring the text and its audience together (i.e. what are the activities identified to
transform the text from being a potential (intellectual) resource to being a real
(intellectualresource ?
These seven questions serve, above all, to “fix” and guide ideas and habits before
the constitution (collection, production) of an audiovisual corpus as afterwards (that
is, during the phases of analysis per se of a corpus or isolated text to turn it into a
genuine cognitive resource: segmentation, description, classification, indexation,
annotation or adaptation).
At the same time, these seven questions reflect the scaffolding of the semioticsof
the audiovisual text which is built around three main approaches (see Figure 1.1),
that complement one another: the approach which sees the textual object as a
compositional entity, that which sees it as an internally stratified entity and that
which considers the text in relation to a social practice. These three approaches
indeed characterize any concrete analysis of an audiovisual text or corpus of texts.
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