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Figure16.8. Schemaof definitionwithasimple internalstructure
The internal organization of the schemas into collections of more specialized
schemas corresponds, in terms of the schemas of definition of the analytical objects,
to the different types of objects* pertinent for the description of an audiovisual text
or corpus:
- referential objects (i.e. which belong to such-and-such an empirical domain
documented by an audiovisual corpus);
-contextualobjects (for spatial/temporal location, etc.);
-discursiveobjects (i.e. pertaining to discourse production);
- verbal and audiovisual objects (i.e. relating to visual expression, acoustic
expression, syncretic expression, etc.);
- reflexive objects (i.e. which serve to produce a metadiscourse about the
analysis itself).
A library of schemas of definition contains all the schemas involved in
constituting the models of description* . However, as a general rule, it is endowed
with many more schemas of definition which may, potentially be relevant for
elaborating new models of description or indeed models of description, “alternative”
in relation to those which exist and belong to a library of models of description*
defining the universeofdiscourse* of an audiovisual archive.
Figure16.9. Aschemaofdefinitioncontainingalistofconceptual
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