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two macro-sequences serve to pinpoint the fact being analyzed (the macro-
sequence Location in a region or country of the world and the macro-sequence
Temporallocationbyperiodand/orprecisedate );
and finally, one macro-sequence serves to describe the discourse production
around the subject (the macro-sequence Analysis of the rhetorical acts used to speak
aboutthesubject ).
As we know, a sequence is made up of at least two schemas of definition, one of
which must belong to the category of schemas AnalyticalObject and the other to the
category Analyticalprocedure .
Figure16.7. Extractfromthelibraryofschemasofdefinition
Each archive has its own library of schemas. Thus, Figure 16.7 shows an extract
from the library of schemas of definition for the FMSH-ARA archives. This is made
up of two major collections corresponding to the two main categories of schemas
previously cited.
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