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video. Who is the person responsible (the enunciator) for the thematization of the
object or domain of knowledge? From which point of view is the topic approached?
What is the discursive hierarchy of the information (that is, which pieces of
information are the most important, the most central, and which pieces of
information are less so? What is the level of specialization in the treatment of the
thematized object? Which information is assumed to be known and which pieces of
information are treated as novel? These and many more such questions are posed
when examining discourse production;
the field of analysis of the verbal expression (not developed in the context of
our research) and the audiovisual expression of the knowledge objects thematized
and turned into discourse. This field enables the analyst to produce information
about the significant particularities of the verbal language (but also gestural,
postural, somatic) and audiovisual language used to express and communicate the
discourse about an object or domain of knowledge;
the field of meta-textual analysis of the commentary. This field offers the
analyst the option of more explicitly expressing his point of view either about his
own analysis or about the way in which the domain is dealt with in the source video.
Figure16.1. Extractfromthelibraryofsequencesmakingupthemodelsofdescriptionof
Above all, let us take from this that a field of analysis always has a
corresponding library of functionally appropriate sequences . Figure 16.1 shows an
extract from such a library of sequences that we use, in our case, to define the
library of models for describing the content of the audiovisual texts making up the
collection of the FMSH-ARA audiovisual archives 1 devoted to the production and
1 See
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