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description* , the schema of creating a meta-textual commentary, the schema of
iconographic illustration, etc.
A particularly important role here belongs to two main types of configurations
(or modules) which not only make up all models of description but also define the
specific relationships maintained between the conceptual terms* selected by or in a
model of description. These two types of configuration are:
the sequences of description and;
the schemas defining both the objects and activities of analysis.
We limit ourselves here to the sequences which make up the models of thematic
description* , i.e. the models which serve to describe the content of an audiovisual
text or corpus. As we know, models of thematic description form one particular type
of descriptive model* amongst many others, including, for example, models of
audiovisual description* stricto sensu (that is, description of the visual and/or sound
shots), models of pragmatic description* (adaptation of a text to the expectations
and skills of a target audience) or indeed models of paratextual description*
(description of the formal identity of an audiovisual text).
A model of description is made up of one or several functionally specialized
fields of analysis. Each functional field of a model of description consists of one or
more local structures called sequences . A sequence serves for describing a specific
part or aspect of the object to be described. Every sequence making up a model of
description is thus thematically and functionally specified in relation to a specific
fieldofanalysis . In particular, the following five can be identified:
the field of referential description of the knowledge object(s) thematized in an
audiovisual text or corpus. Here we identify and describe, for instance, and returning
to the experimentation workshops in the ASW-HSS project, a particular culture,
work of literature, archaeological dig, scientific discipline, scientific personality, and
so on;
the field of referential contextualization of the knowledge object(s) thematized
in the audiovisual text/corpus. This field can be broken down into a field of
description called Spatial and/or geographic location of the domain of knowledge, a
field of description called Temporal and historical location of the domain of
knowledge and sometimes a field called Thematic contextualization (i.e.
institutional,social,epistemological …) of the domain of knowledge;
the field of analysis of discourse production around the thematized knowledge
objects . This field of analysis enables the analyst to provide information about the
particularities of the enunciative and discursive treatment of a given subject in a
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