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objects such as the archaeologicalapproach , field of research , topicof research and
the activities , places and objectsofresearch ).
Figure9.1. Theprocedureoffreedescriptionofaconceptualterm
In particular, it is the second part of the eighth sequence (Figure 9.1) - that is,
the part entitled Selection and free description of the C(onceptual) T(erm)
[Historical era] - that we are interested in here. It is this part which allows the
analyst to freely enter the name of the period and - if applicable - provide additional
information. If we look at this third part more closely, we can see that it is made up
1) the conceptual term [Historical era] which, on its own, represents the domain
of historical knowledge used by the author of the audiovisual text to situate an
archaeological research activity in time. This conceptual term forms part of the
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