Information Technology Reference
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vocabulary of the ASW meta-lexicon for representing the objects of analysis* (i.e.
domains of knowledge) of the ASW universe of discourse* (for further details, see
Chapter 3);
2) five conceptual terms [Minimal designation], [Contextualized designation],
[Drafting of a summary presentation], [Designation of the referent in the original
language] and [Designation of the referent by keywords] represent the activities
which, in our particular case, make up the procedure of free description. These
conceptual terms belong to the vocabulary of the ASW meta-lexicon for the various
procedures and activities of analyzing the object “text” (for further explanations, see
Chapter 14).
[Minimal designation]
…is presupposed by…
Procedure of free
* [Contextualized designation];
* [Drafting of a summary presentation];
* [Designation of the referent in the
original language];
* [Designation of the referent by
Figure9.2. Organigramoftheprocedureoffreedescription
Generally speaking (see Figure 9.2), any procedure of free description comprises
at least one specific activity , but it may also be made up of two or more activities
(the definition of the procedure depends on the objective or “policy” which
characterizes the particular analysis). If the procedure of free description comprises
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