Graphics Programs Reference
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Applying filters in the Gallery
You'll now apply several i lters to create dif erent versions of the monster image. When
you apply a i lter from the i lter categories, located in the center portion of the window,
a preview of the image with the i lter applied is displayed in the Preview pane. Along the
right side of the window, options for the selected i lter are displayed.
In the i lter categories section, expand the triangle next to the Stylize folder to reveal
the Glowing Edges i lter.
A. The Preview pane. B. Filter categories. C. Thumbnail of i lter. D. Show/Hide i lter thumbnails.
E. Filters drop-down menu. F. Options for the selected i lter. G. List of i lter ef ects.
Click the Glowing Edges thumbnail to add a glow to the edges of areas with color;
the monster now has bright neon, glowing edges. Press OK to apply the i lter.
The monster with the Glowing Edges i lter applied.
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