Java Reference
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internal frame
Fig. 22.12 | Test class for DeskTopFrame . (Part 2 of 2.)
Lines 39-58 register an ActionListener to handle the event when the user selects the
newFrame menu item. When the event occurs, method actionPerformed (lines 43-56)
creates a JInternalFrame object in lines 47-48. The JInternalFrame constructor used
here takes five arguments—a String for the title bar of the internal window, a boolean
indicating whether the internal frame can be resized by the user, a boolean indicating
whether the internal frame can be closed by the user, a boolean indicating whether the
internal frame can be maximized by the user and a boolean indicating whether the internal
frame can be minimized by the user. For each of the boolean arguments, a true value indi-
cates that the operation should be allowed (as is the case here).
As with JFrame s and JApplet s, a JInternalFrame has a content pane to which GUI
components can be attached. Line 50 creates an instance of our class MyJPanel (declared
at lines 63-91) that is added to the JInternalFrame at line 51.
Line 52 uses JInternalFrame method pack to set the size of the child window.
Method pack uses the preferred sizes of the components to determine the window's size.
Class MyJPanel declares method getPreferredSize (lines 87-91) to specify the panel's
preferred size for use by the pack method. Line 54 adds the JInternalFrame to the JDesk-
topPane , and line 55 displays the JInternalFrame .
Classes JInternalFrame and JDesktopPane provide many methods for managing
child windows. See the JInternalFrame and JDesktopPane online API documentation
for complete lists of these methods:
22.8 JTabbedPane
A JTabbedPane arranges GUI components into layers, of which only one is visible at a
time. Users access each layer via a tab—similar to folders in a file cabinet. When the user
clicks a tab, the appropriate layer is displayed. The tabs appear at the top by default but
also can be positioned at the left, right or bottom of the JTabbedPane . Any component
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