Java Reference
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// display all Employees
System.out.println( "Complete Employee list:" );
Complete Employee list:
Jason Red 5000.00 IT
Ashley Green 7600.00 IT
Matthew Indigo 3587.50 Sales
James Indigo 4700.77 Marketing
Luke Indigo 6200.00 IT
Jason Blue 3200.00 Sales
Wendy Brown 4236.40 Marketing
Fig. 17.10 | Creating an array of Employee s, converting it to a List and displaying the List .
(Part 2 of 2.)
Line 31 creates a Stream<Employee> , then uses Stream method forEach to display each
Employee 's String representation. The instance method reference System.out::println is
converted by the compiler into an object that implements the Consumer functional interface.
This interface's accept method receives one argument and returns void . In this example, the
accept method passes each Employee to the System.out object's println instance method,
which implicitly calls class Employee 's toString method to get the String representation.
The output at the end of Fig. 17.10 shows the results of displaying all the Employee s.
17.6.2 Filtering Employee s with Salaries in a Specified Range
Figure 17.11 demonstrates filtering Employee s with an object that implements the func-
tional interface Predicate<Employee> , which is defined with a lambda in lines 34-35.
Defining lambdas in this manner enables you to reuse them multiple times, as we do in
lines 42 and 49. Lines 41-44 output the Employee s with salaries in the range 4000-6000
sorted by salary as follows:
Line 41 creates a Stream<Employee> from the List<Employee> .
Line 42 filters the stream using the Predicate named fourToSixThousand .
Line 43 sorts by salary the Employees that remain in the stream. To specify a Com-
parator for salaries, we use the Comparator interface's static method compar-
ing . The method reference Employee::getSalary that's passed as an argument
is converted by the compiler into an object that implements the Function inter-
face. This Function is used to extract a value from an object in the stream for use
in comparisons. Method comparing returns a Comparator object that calls get-
Salary on each of two Employee objects, then returns a negative value if the first
Employee 's salary is less than the second, 0 if they're equal and a positive value if
the first Employee 's salary is greater than the second.
Finally, line 44 performs the terminal forEach operation that processes the
stream pipeline and outputs the Employees sorted by salary.
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