Java Reference
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components. The user can type any characters in the input dialog's text field. Our program
assumes that the user enters a valid integer. If the user clicks Cancel , showInputDialog
returns null . If the user either types a noninteger value or clicks the Cancel button in the
input dialog, an exception will occur and the program will not operate correctly. Lines 12-
13 display another input dialog that prompts the user to enter the second integer. Each
JOptionPane dialog that you display is a so called modal dialog —while the dialog is on
the screen, the user cannot interact with the rest of the application.
Look-and-Feel Observation 12.3
Do not overuse modal dialogs, as they can reduce the usability of your applications. Use a
modal dialog only when it's necessary to prevent users from interacting with the rest of an
application until they dismiss the dialog.
Converting String s to int Values
To perform the calculation, we convert the String s that the user entered to int values.
Recall that the Integer class's static method parseInt converts its String argument to
an int value and might throw a NumberFormatException . Lines 16-17 assign the convert-
ed values to local variables number1 and number2 , and line 19 sums these values.
Message Dialogs
Lines 22-23 use JOptionPane static method showMessageDialog to display a message di-
alog (the last screen of Fig. 12.2) containing the sum. The first argument helps the Java ap-
plication determine where to position the dialog box. A dialog is typically displayed from a
GUI application with its own window. The first argument refers to that window (known as
the parent window ) and causes the dialog to appear centered over the parent (as we'll do in
Section 12.9). If the first argument is null , the dialog box is displayed at the center of your
screen. The second argument is the message to display—in this case, the result of concatenat-
ing the String "The sum is " and the value of sum . The third argument— "Sum of Two In-
tegers" —is the String that should appear in the title bar at the top of the dialog. The fourth
argument— JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE —is the type of message dialog to display . A
PLAIN_MESSAGE dialog does not display an icon to the left of the message. Class JOptionPane
provides several overloaded versions of methods showInputDialog and showMessageDialog ,
as well as methods that display other dialog types. For complete information, visit http:// .
Look-and-Feel Observation 12.4
The title bar of a window typically uses book-title capitalization —a style that capital-
izes the first letter of each significant word in the text and does not end with any punctu-
ation (for example, Capitalization in a Book Title).
JOptionPane Message Dialog Constants
The constants that represent the message dialog types are shown in Fig. 12.3. All message
dialog types except PLAIN_MESSAGE display an icon to the left of the message. These icons
provide a visual indication of the message's importance to the user. A QUESTION_MESSAGE
icon is the default icon for an input dialog box (see Fig. 12.2).
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