Java Reference
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String secondNumber =
JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter second integer" );
// convert String inputs to int values for use in a calculation
int number1 = Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);
int number2 = Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);
int sum = number1 + number2;
// display result in a JOptionPane message dialog
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null , "The sum is " + sum,
"Sum of Two Integers" , JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
} // end class Addition
(a) Input dialog displayed by lines 10-11
Prompt to the user
Text field in which the
user types a value
When the user clicks OK ,
showInputDialog returns
to the program the 100 typed
by the user as a String ; the
program must convert the
String to an int
(b) Input dialog displayed by lines 12-13
(c) Message dialog displayed by lines 22-23—When the user clicks
OK , the message dialog is dismissed (removed from the screen)
Fig. 12.2 | Addition program that uses JOptionPane for input and output. (Part 2 of 2.)
Input Dialogs
Line 3 imports class JOptionPane . Lines 10-11 declare the local String variable first-
Number and assign it the result of the call to JOptionPane static method showInputDia-
log . This method displays an input dialog (see the screen capture in Fig. 12.2(a)), using
the method's String argument ( "Enter first integer" ) as a prompt.
Look-and-Feel Observation 12.2
The prompt in an input dialog typically uses sentence-style capitalization —a style that
capitalizes only the first letter of the first word in the text unless the word is a proper noun
(for example, Jones).
The user types characters in the text field, then clicks OK or presses the Enter key to
submit the String to the program. Clicking OK also dismisses ( hides ) the dialog . [ Note:
If you type in the text field and nothing appears, activate the text field by clicking it with
the mouse.] Unlike Scanner , which can be used to input values of several types from the
user at the keyboard, an input dialog can input only String s . This is typical of most GUI
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