Java Reference
In-Depth Information
10.15 (Accounts Payable System Modification) In this exercise, we modify the accounts payable
application of Figs. 10.11-10.15 to include the complete functionality of the payroll application of
Figs. 10.4-10.9. The application should still process two Invoice objects, but now should process
one object of each of the four Employee subclasses. If the object currently being processed is a Base-
PlusCommissionEmployee , the application should increase the BasePlusCommissionEmployee 's base
salary by 10%. Finally, the application should output the payment amount for each object. Com-
plete the following steps to create the new application:
a) Modify classes HourlyEmployee (Fig. 10.6) and CommissionEmployee (Fig. 10.7) to place
them in the Payable hierarchy as subclasses of the version of Employee (Fig. 10.13) that
implements Payable . [ Hint: Change the name of method earnings to getPaymentAmount
in each subclass so that the class satisfies its inherited contract with interface Payable .]
b) Modify class BasePlusCommissionEmployee (Fig. 10.8) such that it extends the version
of class CommissionEmployee created in part (a).
c) Modify PayableInterfaceTest (Fig. 10.15) to polymorphically process two Invoice s,
one SalariedEmployee , one HourlyEmployee , one CommissionEmployee and one Base-
PlusCommissionEmployee . First output a String representation of each Payable object.
Next, if an object is a BasePlusCommissionEmployee , increase its base salary by 10%. Fi-
nally, output the payment amount for each Payable object.
10.16 (Accounts Payable System Modification) It's possible to include the functionality of the pay-
roll application (Figs. 10.4-10.9) in the accounts payable application without modifying Employee
subclasses SalariedEmployee , HourlyEmployee , CommissionEmployee or BasePlusCommission-
Employee . To do so, you can modify class Employee (Fig. 10.4) to implement interface Payable and
declare method getPaymentAmount to invoke method earnings . Method getPaymentAmount would
then be inherited by the subclasses in the Employee hierarchy. When getPaymentAmount is called for
a particular subclass object, it polymorphically invokes the appropriate earnings method for that
subclass. Reimplement Exercise 10.15 using the original Employee hierarchy from the payroll appli-
cation of Figs. 10.4-10.9. Modify class Employee as described in this exercise, and do not modify any
of class Employee 's subclasses.
Making a Difference
10.17 ( CarbonFootprint Interface: Polymorphism) Using interfaces, as you learned in this chap-
ter, you can specify similar behaviors for possibly disparate classes. Governments and companies
worldwide are becoming increasingly concerned with carbon footprints (annual releases of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere) from buildings burning various types of fuels for heat, vehicles burning
fuels for power, and the like. Many scientists blame these greenhouse gases for the phenomenon
called global warming. Create three small classes unrelated by inheritance—classes Building , Car
and Bicycle . Give each class some unique appropriate attributes and behaviors that it does not have
in common with other classes. Write an interface CarbonFootprint with a getCarbonFootprint
method. Have each of your classes implement that interface, so that its getCarbonFootprint method
calculates an appropriate carbon footprint for that class (check out a few websites that explain how
to calculate carbon footprints). Write an application that creates objects of each of the three classes,
places references to those objects in ArrayList<CarbonFootprint> , then iterates through the Array-
List , polymorphically invoking each object's getCarbonFootprint method. For each object, print
some identifying information and the object's carbon footprint.
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