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has only six elements (with indexes 0-5). Because array bounds checking is performed at
execution time, the JVM generates an exception —specifically line 19 throws an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException to notify the program of this problem. At this point
the try block terminates and the catch block begins executing—if you declared any local
variables in the try block, they're now out of scope (and no longer exist), so they're not ac-
cessible in the catch block.
The catch block declares an exception parameter ( e ) of type ( IndexOutOfRangeEx-
ception ). The catch block can handle exceptions of the specified type. Inside the catch
block, you can use the parameter's identifier to interact with a caught exception object.
Error-Prevention Tip 7.1
When writing code to access an array element, ensure that the array index remains greater
than or equal to 0 and less than the length of the array. This would prevent ArrayIndex-
OutOfBoundsException s if your program is correct.
Software Engineering Observation 7.1
Systems in industry that have undergone extensive testing are still likely to contain bugs.
Our preference for industrial-strength systems is to catch and deal with runtime excep-
tions, such as ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException s, to ensure that a system either stays up
and running or degrades gracefully, and to inform the system's developers of the problem.
7. 5.3 toString Method of the Exception Parameter
When lines 21-26 catch the exception, the program displays a message indicating the
problem that occurred. Line 23 implicitly calls the exception object's toString method to
get the error message that's implicitly stored in the exception object and display it. Once
the message is displayed in this example, the exception is considered handled and the pro-
gram continues with the next statement after the catch block's closing brace. In this ex-
ample, the end of the for statement is reached (line 27), so the program continues with the
increment of the control variable in line 15. We discuss exception handling again in
Chapter 8, and more deeply in Chapter 11.
7.6 Case Study: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation
The examples in the chapter thus far have used arrays containing elements of primitive
types. Recall from Section 7.2 that the elements of an array can be either primitive types
or reference types. This section uses random-number generation and an array of reference-
type elements, namely objects representing playing cards, to develop a class that simulates
card shuffling and dealing. This class can then be used to implement applications that play
specific card games. The exercises at the end of the chapter use the classes developed here
to build a simple poker application.
We first develop class Card (Fig. 7.9), which represents a playing card that has a face
(e.g., "Ace" , "Deuce" , "Three" , …, "Jack" , "Queen" , "King" ) and a suit (e.g., "Hearts" ,
"Diamonds" , "Clubs" , "Spades" ). Next, we develop the DeckOfCards class (Fig. 7.10),
which creates a deck of 52 playing cards in which each element is a Card object. We then
build a test application (Fig. 7.11) that demonstrates class DeckOfCards 's card shuffling
and dealing capabilities.
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