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next set of brackets ( responses[answer] ) is evaluated. That value is used as the
index for the frequency array to determine which counter to increment (in this
case, frequency[1] ).
• The next time through the loop answer is 1 , responses[answer] is the value of
responses[1] (that is, 2 —see line 9), so frequency[responses[answer]] is in-
terpreted as frequency[2] , causing frequency[2] to be incremented.
•W n answer is 2 , responses[answer] is the value of responses[2] (that is, 5
see line 9), so frequency[responses[answer]] is interpreted as frequency[5] ,
causing frequency[5] to be incremented, and so on.
Regardless of the number of responses processed, only a six-element array (in which we ig-
nore element zero) is required to summarize the results, because all the correct response val-
ues are values from 1 to 5, and the index values for a six-element array are 0-5. In the
program's output, the Frequency column summarizes only 19 of the 20 values in the re-
sponses array—the last element of the array responses contains an (intentionally) incor-
rect response that was not counted. Section 7.5 discusses what happens when the program
in Fig. 7.8 encounters the invalid response ( 14 ) in the last element of array responses .
7.5 Exception Handling: Processing the Incorrect
An exception indicates a problem that occurs while a program executes. The name “excep-
tion” suggests that the problem occurs infrequently—if the “rule” is that a statement normal-
ly executes correctly, then the problem represents the “exception to the rule.” Exception
handling helps you create fault-tolerant programs that can resolve (or handle) exceptions.
In many cases, this allows a program to continue executing as if no problems were encoun-
tered. For example, the StudentPoll application still displays results (Fig. 7.8), even though
one of the responses was out of range. More severe problems might prevent a program from
continuing normal execution, instead requiring the program to notify the user of the prob-
lem, then terminate. When the JVM or a method detects a problem, such as an invalid array
index or an invalid method argument, it throws an exception—that is, an exception occurs.
Methods in your own classes can also throw exceptions, as you'll learn in Chapter 8.
7. 5.1 Th e try Statement
To handle an exception, place any code that might throw an exception in a try statement
(lines 17-26). The try block (lines 17-20) contains the code that might throw an excep-
tion, and the catch block (lines 21-26) contains the code that handles the exception if one
occurs. You can have many catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions that might
be thrown in the corresponding try block. When line 19 correctly increments an element
of the frequency array, lines 21-26 are ignored. The braces that delimit the bodies of the
try and catch blocks are required.
7.5.2 Executing the catch Block
When the program encounters the invalid value 14 in the responses array, it attempts to
add 1 to frequency[14] , which is outside the bounds of the array—the frequency array
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