Java Reference
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Method arguments may be constants, variables or expressions. If c = 13.0 , d = 3.0 and
f=4.0 , then the statement
System.out.println(Math.sqrt(c + d * f));
calculates and prints the square root of 13.0 + 3.0 * 4.0 = 25.0 —namely, 5.0 . Figure 6.2
summarizes several Math class methods. In the figure, x and y are of type double .
abs( x )
absolute value of x
abs( 23.7 ) is 23.7
abs( 0.0 ) is 0.0
abs( -23.7 ) is 23.7
ceil( x )
rounds x to the smallest integer not
less than x
ceil( 9.2 ) is 10.0
ceil( -9.8 ) is -9.0
cos( x )
trigonometric cosine of x ( x in radians)
cos( 0.0 ) is 1.0
exponential method e x
exp( x )
exp( 1.0 ) is 2.71828
exp( 2.0 ) is 7.38906
floor( x )
rounds x to the largest integer not
greater than x
floor( 9.2 ) is 9.0
floor( -9.8 ) is -10.0
log( x )
natural logarithm of x (base e )
log( Math.E ) is 1.0
log( Math.E * Math.E ) is 2.0
max( x , y )
larger value of x and y
max( 2.3 , 12.7 ) is 12.7
max( -2.3 , -12.7 ) is -2.3
min( x , y )
smaller value of x and y
min( 2.3 , 12.7 ) is 2.3
min( -2.3 , -12.7 ) is -12.7
x raised to the power y (i.e., x y )
pow( x , y )
pow( 2.0 , 7.0 ) is 128.0
pow( 9.0 , 0.5 ) is 3.0
sin( x )
trigonometric sine of x ( x in radians)
sin( 0.0 ) is 0.0
sqrt( x )
square root of x
sqrt( 900.0 ) is 30.0
tan( x )
trigonometric tangent of x ( x in radians) tan( 0.0 ) is 0.0
Fig. 6.2 | Math class methods.
static Variables
Recall from Section 3.2 that each object of a class maintains its own copy of every instance
variable of the class. There are variables for which each object of a class does not need its
own separate copy (as you'll see momentarily). Such variables are declared static and are
also known as class variables . When objects of a class containing static variables are cre-
ated, all the objects of that class share one copy of those variables. Together a class's static
variables and instance variables are known as its fields . You'll learn more about static
fields in Section 8.11.
Math Class static Constants PI and E
Class Math declares two constants, Math.PI and Math.E , that represent high-precision ap-
proximations to commonly used mathematical constants. Math.PI (3.141592653589793)
is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Math.E (2.718281828459045) is the
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