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base value for natural logarithms (calculated with static Math method log ). These con-
stants are declared in class Math with the modifiers public , final and static . Making
them public allows you to use them in your own classes. Any field declared with keyword
final is constant —its value cannot change after the field is initialized. Making these fields
static allows them to be accessed via the class name Math and a dot ( . ) separator, just as
class Math 's methods are.
Why Is Method main Declared static ?
When you execute the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) with the java command, the JVM
attempts to invoke the main method of the class you specify—at this point no objects of
the class have been created. Declaring main as static allows the JVM to invoke main with-
out creating an instance of the class. When you execute your application, you specify its
class name as an argument to the java command, as in
java ClassName argument1 argument2
The JVM loads the class specified by ClassName and uses that class name to invoke method
main . In the preceding command, ClassName is a command-line argument to the JVM
that tells it which class to execute. Following the ClassName , you can also specify a list of
String s (separated by spaces) as command-line arguments that the JVM will pass to your
application. Such arguments might be used to specify options (e.g., a filename) to run the
application. As you'll learn in Chapter 7, Arrays and ArrayList s, your application can ac-
cess those command-line arguments and use them to customize the application.
6.4 Declaring Methods with Multiple Parameters
Methods often require more than one piece of information to perform their tasks. We now
consider how to write your own methods with multiple parameters.
Figure 6.3 uses a method called maximum to determine and return the largest of three
double values. In main , lines 14-18 prompt the user to enter three double values, then
read them from the user. Line 21 calls method maximum (declared in lines 28-41) to deter-
mine the largest of the three values it receives as arguments. When method maximum
returns the result to line 21, the program assigns maximum 's return value to local variable
result . Then line 24 outputs the maximum value. At the end of this section, we'll discuss
the use of operator + in line 24.
// Fig. 6.3:
// Programmer-declared method maximum with three double parameters.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MaximumFinder
// obtain three floating-point values and locate the maximum value
public static void main(String[] args)
// create Scanner for input from command window
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
Fig. 6.3 | Programmer-declared method maximum with three double parameters. (Part 1 of 2.)
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