Java Reference
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the index to method publish so that it can be displayed as an intermediate result in the
GUI and line 64 increments the number of primes found. Lines 66-67 set all multiples of
the current index to false to indicate that they're not prime. When the entire array has
been traversed, line 72 returns the number of primes found.
Method process
Lines 76-80 declare method process , which executes in the event dispatch thread and re-
ceives its argument publishedVals from method publish . The passing of values between
publish in the worker thread and process in the event dispatch thread is asynchronous;
process might not be invoked for every call to publish . All Integers published since the
last call to process are received as a List by method process . Lines 78-79 iterate through
this list and display the published values in a JTextArea . Because the computation in
method doInBackground progresses quickly, publishing values often, updates to the
JTextArea can pile up on the event dispatch thread, causing the GUI to become sluggish.
In fact, when searching for a large number of primes, the event dispatch thread may receive
so many requests in quick succession to update the JTextArea that it runs out of memory
in its event queue . This is why we put the worker thread to sleep for a few milliseconds be-
tween calls to publish . The calculation is slowed just enough to allow the event dispatch
thread to keep up with requests to update the JTextArea with new primes, enabling the
GUI to update smoothly and remain responsive.
Method done
Lines 83-98 define method done . When the calculation is finished or canceled, method
done enables the Get Primes button and disables the Cancel button (lines 85-86). Line 91
gets and displays the return value—the number of primes found—from method doIn-
Background . Lines 93-97 catch the exceptions thrown by method get and display an ap-
propriate message in the statusJLabel .
Class FindPrimes
Class FindPrimes (Fig. 23.27) displays a JTextField that allows the user to enter a num-
ber, a JButton to begin finding all primes less than that number and a JTextArea to dis-
play the primes. A JButton allows the user to cancel the calculation, and a JProgressBar
shows the calculation's progress. The constructor (lines 32-125) sets up the GUI.
// Fig. 23.27:
// Using a SwingWorker to display prime numbers and update a JProgressBar
// while the prime numbers are being calculated.
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
Fig. 23.27 | Using a SwingWorker to display prime numbers and update a JProgressBar
while the prime numbers are being calculated. (Part 1 of 4.)
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