Java Reference
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cancelJButton.setEnabled( false ); // disable Cancel button
// retrieve and display doInBackground return value
statusJLabel.setText( "Found " + get() + " primes.") ;
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException |
CancellationException ex)
} // end class PrimeCalculator
Fig. 23.26 | Calculates the first n primes, displaying them as they are found. (Part 3 of 3.)
Class PrimeCalculator extends SwingWorker (line 13), with the first type parameter
indicating the return type of method doInBackground and the second indicating the type
of intermediate results passed between methods publish and process . In this case, both
type parameters are Integer s. The constructor (lines 23-34) takes as arguments an integer
that indicates the upper limit of the prime numbers to locate, a JTextArea used to display
primes in the GUI, one JButton for initiating a calculation and one for canceling it, and
a JLabel used to display the status of the calculation.
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Line 33 initializes the elements of the boolean array primes to true with Arrays method
fill . PrimeCalculator uses this array and the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm (described
in Exercise 7.27) to find all primes less than max . The Sieve of Eratosthenes takes a list of
integers and, beginning with the first prime number, filters out all multiples of that prime.
It then moves to the next prime, which will be the next number that's not yet filtered out,
and eliminates all of its multiples. It continues until the end of the list is reached and all
nonprimes have been filtered out. Algorithmically, we begin with element 2 of the bool-
ean array and set the cells corresponding to all values that are multiples of 2 to false to
indicate that they're divisible by 2 and thus not prime. We then move to the next array
element, check whether it's true , and if so set all of its multiples to false to indicate that
they're divisible by the current index. When the whole array has been traversed in this way,
all indices that contain true are prime, as they have no divisors.
Method doInBackground
In method doInBackground (lines 37-73), the control variable i for the loop (lines 43-
70) controls the current index for implementing the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Line 45 calls
the inherited SwingWorker method isCancelled to determine whether the user has
clicked the Cancel button. If isCancelled returns true , method doInBackground returns
the number of primes found so far (line 46) without finishing the computation.
If the calculation isn't canceled, line 49 calls setProgress to update the percentage of
the array that's been traversed so far. Line 53 puts the currently executing thread to sleep
for up to 4 milliseconds. We discuss the reason for this shortly. Line 61 tests whether the
element of array primes at the current index is true (and thus prime). If so, line 63 passes
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