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image sequence formats such as DPXs, TIFs or EXRs. They may also deliver
these same formats back to you to integrate into the show master. In fact
they will probably deliver several versions of each shot.
Be sure to take the varying sizes and types of these alternate formats as
well as the possibility of multiple versions of the shots into account when
determining your storage type, size and transfer speed needs. For those
i lmmakers working or with a post house, note that some i nishing/DI
facilities do not like to work with RAW i les and they will ask you to transcode
the i les for them (or will charge you for doing it).
2.4.4 Timecode
Timecode is the heartbeat of the show. Is the timecode between L and R
synchronized? Was the sync between the cameras reliable? Is there room
for human error to interrupt proper sync? If it is under your control at all,
consider using a sync generator on-set for all imaging systems. As silly as it
sounds, L/R mismatch happens far more often than you would imagine. A
good L/R timecode match could save a large amount of money in post that
would result from having to eye-match L and R image pairs over hundreds
of shots.
2.4.5 Cameras/Rigs
If cameras and rigs are under your control, ask yourself: Is that fancy
new camera/rig really the best thing for your show? Make sure you test
compatibilities and i le handling between the systems you are using to
acquire and process imagery. Sometimes trying to make things easier for
one department (or workl ow) makes things more difi cult for another. There
will be cases where there is no way to avoid these effects, but make sure the
mess being created is not going to be more expensive than the alternative.
2.4.6 Metadata
It's great when imagery metadata (such as focus, iris, zoom, convergence
angle, interaxial distance) is useful and easy to access. Visual effects team
in particular i nd metadata useful when generating digital elements. It is a
waste of resources when metadata is difi cult to access or just not useful.
Make sure your show really needs the metadata you think you need. If your
show can benei t from metadata, make sure your workl ows use it so that
it is an asset rather than a hindrance.
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