Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
7.4.2 Editorial
The editorial team provides Visual Effects a shot list and reference clips
from live action imagery before, during and after the proposed visual effects
sequence. This enables the Visual Effects team to begin to work on the timing
of the shot, scene or sequence. The Visual Effects team implements visual
effects according to an EDL generated by editorial. The editorial Conform
team integrates CG from Visual Effects into the show master and prepares
these sequences for team review and analysis.
7.4.3 Depth
The depth team provides depth information for imagery to be generated by
Visual Effects. CG elements that are meant to appear at the same position
in Z-space need to mimic convergence settings and apparent roundness (via
interaxial settings) of their live action counterparts. The depth team reviews CG
to make sure that the CG integrates with live-action imagery. The depth team
report any depth anomalies to Visual Effects for additional work and revision.
7.4.4 Geometry
The geometry team corrects live action imagery and delivers geometry
metadata (or geometry corrected imagery) to Visual Effects. The geometry
team also reviews deliverables from Visual Effects to make sure the CG
elements do not introduce issues of discomfort or discontinuity into
the show.
7.4.5 Color
The color team color balances live action imagery and delivers color
metadata and color reference along with source material to Visual Effects.
The color team also reviews deliverables from Visual Effects to make sure
CG is not introducing issues into the show. Typically a color team does
i nal color on a shot scene or sequence after the Visual Effects team has
delivered i nal CG.
7.5 Inputs & Outputs
The primary inputs to the Visual Effects workl ow are:
• VFX Shot List/Breakdown
• Edit & depth Decision Lists
• Workl ow Masters
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