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-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 157 May 8 08:14 args-uncompressed.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 201 May 8 08:14 boot-uncompressed.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 32768 Jun 24 08:28 first32k.bin
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 822 May 8 08:14 imagetool-uncompressed.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3187280 Jun 24 08:28 kernel.img
From this, we see that it creates file kernel.img , which is 3,187,280 bytes in size.
Install Kernel Image
Here I assume that you have the SD card mounted on your desktop, rather than in
VirtualBox. The SD card can be mounted in VirtualBox, but this takes some special care
and additional effort. See the “VirtualBox Mount of SD Card” section at the end of the
chapter (if this works for you, this will be more convenient).
With your SD card mounted, you can change out your kernel. It is recommended that
you rename the original kernel.img file in case you want to reinstate it later. On the Mac,
the session might look something like this:
$ cd /Volumes/Untitled/ # Where the SD card is mounted
$ ls
bootcode.bin config.txt issue.txt kernel_emergency.img
cmdline.txt fixup.dat kernel.img start.elf
config.bak fixup_cd.dat kernel_cutdown.img start_cd.elf
$ mv kernel.img kernel.orig
Once the original kernel is safely renamed on the SD card, you can copy the new
kernel onto it:
$ scp wwg@osx-rpi:/opt/tools−master/mkimage/kernel.img /Volumes/Untitled/.
wwg@osx-rpi's password:
kernel.img 100% 2665KB 2.6MB/s 00:00
$ sync
Here I transferred the prepared image using scp , from VirtualBox machine osx-rpi ,
installing the new kernel as kernel.img . You may be able to boot the new kernel without
updating the modules (obviously, the new modules will not be available). Once you
boot up your Pi with the new kernel, then using scp you should be able to copy your new
module's tarball to it (see the “Modules” section later). Try booting the new kernel and
log in to check it (long lines edited):
$ ssh pi@rasp
$ dmesg | head
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