Hardware Reference
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Now that the configuration has been established, start the build process. If you hadn't
planned on making configuration changes, you might still be prompted with some
configuration questions. To proceed without configuration changes, simply press Enter to
accept the existing value for the parameter.
$ make
The build process takes a fair bit of time. On a MacBook Pro using an Intel i7
processor, hosting Ubuntu in VirtualBox, the process takes about 40 minutes to complete.
You mileage will vary.
Next, build the modules for the kernel:
$ make modules
Now you are ready to install the new kernel and its modules.
if your /tmp file system is not large enough for the build, you can direct the
temporary files to another directory. For example, to use ./tmp in your work area:
$ mkdir ./tmp
$ export TMPDIR="$PWD/tmp"
Prepare Kernel Image
In the subdirectory arch/arm/boot/zImage is your built kernel image:
$ cd ~/work/rasp/linux−rpi−3.10.y/arch/arm/boot
$ ls −l zImage
−rwxr−xr−x 1 wwg wwg 3696136 2014−06−22 13:58 zImage
Now let's prepare an image that can be booted by the Raspberry Pi.
The image tool seems to need to run from its own directory (otherwise, it is unable
to locate the boot-uncompressed.txt file). So change to the image tool's directory and
run it from there. It will create the file kernel.img in that directory, so make sure you have
permissions there:
$ cd /opt/tools−master/mkimage
$ python /opt/tools−master/mkimage/imagetool−uncompressed.py \
$ ls −l
total 3160
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