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not specifically topographic maps of this specific appearance but all maps
of the same relation between contents of origin - abstract and visually
experienced elements and element of imagination.
Thus the point “b” represents a huge amount of maps. So do all other
points in the triangular surface. The lower right corner of the triangle plot
e.g. represents all maps based mainly on the pure imagination of human
mind. Their identity and contents is represented - according this paper - in
a single point in the corner of the METAMAP plane. The same could be
said not only of all points along the edges of the diagram but also on all
points within its entire surface.
Figure 4: The plane of METAMAPs is parallel and conforms to the plane of
CLASSIFICATION. It contains all surveys of the maps classified on the plane of
CLASSIFICATION in corresponding position. The METAMAP describes not only geometrical
extent, time of creation etc of the maps but also the properties of the data upon which
the maps are built.
3.2 Information analyses
Analysis of a topographic map can be limited to one single map sheet and
study its internal qualities - “deep analyses”. It can however include
groups of maps whose scope is defined from case to case. The delimitation
of these groups can be made from the METAMAP plaine´s location “b”.
Such an analyses can e.g. comprise the spatiotemporal development of the
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