Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
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[13] International Energy Agency, „Key World Energy Statistics,“ 2010.
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[14] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, „FAO, Food and Agriculture
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[15] World Steel Association, „World Steel Association,“ 2011. www.worldsteel.org. (Zu-
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[16] U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral commodity summaries 2013, Reston, Virginia: U.S.
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[24] International Aluminum Institute, 2012.
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[26] International Magnesium Association, 2010. www.intlmag.org/files/yend2010.pdf.
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[27] G. Reich, From collagen to leather - the theoretical background, Ludwigshafen: BASF
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[28] P. Nuhn, Naturstoffchemie, Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag, 2006.
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