Biology Reference
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4.4. Amoebozoa
The Amoebozoa are part of the Opisthokonta and are considered to be a
sister group to the metazoans and fungi ( Eichinger et al., 2005 ). They are
represented by 14 genomes, half of which are the human pathogenic para-
sites Entamoeba and Acanthamoeba . Although the former lack globins, the lat-
ter contains a TrHb1, a TrHb2 and an SDgb ( Table 9.3 ). The remaining
mycetozoan genomes all have one or two FHbs. Hartmannella vermiformis
lacks globins. In Dictyostelium , the FHbs were not found to be essential
for growth ( Iijima, Shimizu, Tanaka, & Urushihara, 2000 ).
4.5. Other microbial eukaryotes
In addition to the members of the supergroups considered above, there exists
an indeterminate number of microbial eukaryote lineages (see Fig. 9.2 ).
These include the Apusozoa represented by the Thecamonas trahens genome
that harbours one FHb, and the Cryptophyta with three genomes lacking
Figure 9.2 A diagrammatic representation of the major protist supergroups. Adapted
from Adl et al. (2012) , with permission from John Wiley and Sons.
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