Biology Reference
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globins.No genomes are available for theCentroheliozoa,Glaucocystophyceae,
Jakobida, Katablepharidophyta and Malawimonadidae. The Haptophyceae are
represented by the genome of Emiliania huxleyi , a unicellular phytoplankton
covered with extraordinary calcium carbonate discs, one of the most abundant
andwidely distributed coccolithophores, with a global distribution fromthe tro-
pics to subarctic waters. It is unique in having three SDgbs, three FHbs and a
chimeric protein with an unidentified N-terminus, four TrHb1 domains and
a C-terminal von Willebrand factor (vWF) type A domain ( Sadler, 1998 ).
The physiological basis of this wealth of globins is unknown.
4.6. Opisthokonta
The Opisthokonta comprise metazoans (animals), fungi and several addi-
tional microbial eukaryote lineages, including the Choanoflagellida,
Ichthyosporea, Nucleariidae and Capsaspora. It is likely that the closest
extant relative of both fungi and metazoans is a member of the
Opisthokonta. Furthermore, it appears that the closest relatives of metazoans
are the choanoflagellates, followed by the Capsaspora and Ichthyosporea lin-
eages ( Ruiz-Trillo, Roger, Burger, Gray, & Lang, 2008 ). Recently, the
genomes of five, close relatives of fungi and metazoa have been sequenced,
as part of the Origin of Multicellularity Project at the Broad Institute ( Ruiz-
Trillo et al., 2007 ). These include Capsaspora owczarzaki , an amoeboid par-
asite of the pulmonate snail Biomphalaria glabrata , which has a relatively small
genome about 22-25 Mbp ( Ruiz-Trillo, Lane, Archibald, & Roger, 2006 ),
the apusozoan T. trahens (formerly Amastigomonas sp. ATCC 50062), two
choanoflagellates, Salpingoeca rosetta (formerly Proterospongia sp. ATCC
50818) and Monosiga brevicollis , and two basal fungi, Allomyces macrogynus
and Spizellomyces punctatus . Although these genomes contain globins,
T . trahens has only one FHb, and A. macrogynus has two SSDgbs and a chi-
meric globin with a C-terminal TrHb1 domain. The ichthyosporean
Sphaeroforma arctica has five SDgbs and an FHb, while C. owczarzaki has
two chimeric two-SDgb domain proteins ( Table 9.3 ). No nucleariid
genomes are available. The two available choanoflagellate genomes, each
encode three SDgbs. It is worth pointing out that a hypothetical protein
of 1653 amino acids PTSG_01043 (EGD76343.1) can be identified in
S. rosetta ( Salpingoeca sp. ATCC 50818) via BLASTP search using Stron-
gylocentrotus purpuratus androglobin (isoform 1; XP_001186225.2). Whereas
the N-terminal cysteine protease domain is present, the central globin
domain is not identified by either BLASTP or FUGUE searches. Although
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