Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
pasty (PASS-tee): crusted savory (usually meat) pie from Cornwall
pavement: sidewalk
people mover: minivan
pear-shaped: messed up, gone wrong
pensioner: senior citizen, retiree
petrol: gas
pillar box: mailbox
pissed (rude), paralytic, bevvied, wellied, popped up, merry, trollied, ratted, rat-
arsed, pissed as a newt: drunk
pitch: playing field
plaster: Band-Aid
pram: baby carriage
publican: pub manager (old-fashioned)
public school: private “prep” school (e.g., Eton)
pudding: dessert in general
pull, to be on the: looking for love
punter: customer, especially in gambling
pushchair: stroller
put a sock in it: shut up
queue: line
queue up: line up
quid: a pound (money)
randy: horny
rasher: slice of bacon
redundant, made: laid off
Remembrance Day: Veterans' Day
return ticket: round-trip
revising; doing revisions: studying for exams
ring up: call (telephone)
rocket: arugula
roundabout: traffic circle
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