Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
loo: toilet or bathroom
lorry: truck
mac: mackintosh raincoat
main: entrée
mains: electrical outlet
mangetout: snow peas
Marmite: yeast paste, spread on sandwiches
marrow: summer squash
mate: buddy (boy or girl)
mean: stingy
mental: wild, memorable
mews: former stables converted to two-story rowhouses (London)
mince: hamburger meat
mobile (MOH-bile): cell phone
moggie: cat
M.O.T.: mandatory annual car safety certificate
motorway: freeway
naff: dorky
nappy: diaper
natter: talk on and on
neep: Scottish for turnip
newsagent: corner store
nought: zero
noughts & crosses: tic-tac-toe
O.A.P.: old-age pensioner, retiree
off-licence: liquor store
on offer: for sale
one-off: unique; one-time event
panto, pantomime: fairy-tale play performed at Christmas (silly but fun)
pants: (noun) underwear, briefs; (adj.) terrible, ridiculous
paracetamol: acetaminophen, Tylenol
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