Travel Reference
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What it is Motion simulator with 3-D projection. Scope and scale Major attraction. When to
go The first hour the park is open or after 4 p.m. Special comments Must be 40" to ride in mo-
tionseats; nonmovingseatsareavailable. Duration of ride 5minutes, plus10-minute preshow.
Average wait time per 100 people ahead of you 7 minutes. Loading speed Moderate-slow.
DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem is a 3-D motion simu-
is that you're seated in a ride vehicle that faces a large video screen, on to which the at-
traction's story is projected. When the story calls for you to drop down the side of a moun-
tain, your ride vehicle tilts forward as if you were falling; when you need to swerve left
or right, your ride vehicle tilts the same way. The main difference between Minion May-
hem and other simulators is that most other simulators usually provide one video screen
per ride vehicle, while Minion Mayhem arranges all of its eight-person vehicles in front
of one large IMAX-size video screen. The ride vehicles are set on raised platforms, which
get slightly higher toward the back of the theater, affording good views for all guests.
The preshow area is inside the home of adorably evil Gru (voiced by Steve Carell),
where you see his unique family tree and other artifacts. The premise of the ride is that
you're turned into one of Gru's chattering yellow minions. Once converted you must nav-
igate the minion training grounds, where your “speed, strength, and ability not to die” is
tested. Something soon goes amiss, though, and your training turns into a frenetic rescue
The ride is a fast-paced series of dives, climbs, and tight turns through Gru's Rube
Goldberg-esque machines. Like The Simpsons Ride, there are more sight gags and inter-
esting things to see here than anyone possibly could in a single ride. Guests exiting the
ride may find the opportunity for a short dance with one of the minions.
TOURING TIPS Minion Mayhem, a hit import from Universal Studios Florida, arrives in Hol-
lywood during 2014, replacing the long-running Terminator 2 show. Because the ride is
new and based on a popular franchise, lines are sure to be long during its debut season.
Ride it immediately after experiencing the Lower Lot attractions, or first thing if you are
skipping the bigger thrill rides. If the line for Despicable Me exceeds 30 minutes, try late
afternoon or the hour before the park closes. Adjacent to the exit, a Super Silly Fun Land
playground area (with wet and dry activities and a simple spinning carnival ride) should
help small tykes burn off some steam.
Shrek 4-D
What it is 3-D theater show. Scope and scale Headliner. When to go The first hour the park is
open or after 4 p.m. Duration of show About 20 minutes. Preshow 5-minute video. Probable
waiting time About an hour.
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