Environmental Engineering Reference
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Schoepfle, G.M., E.J. Szarleta, and S. Schexnayder. 1993. How severe is severe:
Public involvement and systematic understanding of wilderness as a resource.
In:  Environmental Analysis: The NEPA Experience , ed. Hildebrand, S.G., and
J.B. Cannon. 289-312. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers.
Smith, M.D. 2007. A review of recent NEPA alternatives analysis case law. Environmental
Impact Assessment Review 27: 126-144.
Snell, T. and R. Cowell. 2006. Scoping in environmental impact assessment: Balancing
precaution and efficiency? Environmental Impact Assessment Review 26: 359-376.
Stern, M.J., S.A. Predmore, M.J. Mortimer, and D.N. Seesholtz. 2010. The meaning of
the National Environmental Policy Act within the U.S. forest service. Journal of
Environmental Management 91: 1371-1379.
Tillman, F.A. and D.T. Cassone. 2012. A Professional's Guide to Decision Science and Problem
Solving . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education: Inc.
USAID. 2005. Environmental Compliance Procedures: United States Agency for
International Development Title 22, Code of Federal Regulation, Part 216
Agency Environmental Procedures.
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