Graphics Programs Reference
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grip that appears when you select the connector. The direction arrow of a
connector indicates the direction that pipe, duct, conduit, or cable tray will
be drawn from the connector.
When using the Face option to manage the location of a connector
parametrically, you will need to create additional geometry that gives you
much more accurate control over the location of the connector within the
Whenyouplaceconnectors byusingtheWorkPlane optionshownin Figure
19.18 , they may not be facing in the right direction. If you placed the
connector by using a named reference plane and selecting it from the list,
as shown in Figure 19.19 , the blue arrows grip will not work to flip the
is associated or redraw the plane in the opposite direction. If you are going
to place connectors by named reference planes, it is probably a good idea
to remember that you should be drawing your reference planes clockwise.
This way, the orientation of the connectors will be always defaulted
Figure 19.18 Placing a connector by work plane
Figure 19.19 Placing a connector by work plane using the Name
anywhere on the plane. In case you created your reference plane in the
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