Graphics Programs Reference
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ceiling to another that has a different elevation, you may receive a warning
that the new instance of the fixture lies outside its host or that the fixture
will remain at the elevation of the original. This will cause the fixture to be
in the model without a host or to be above or below the ceiling, which can
not react to any changes in the ceiling elevation. If the fixture is above the
ceiling, lighting calculations will be inaccurate because it will not be inside
the space.
The Create Similar command is an easy way to use the same type of fixture
family from one ceiling to another. Use this command instead of Copy to
duplicate a fixture family in another location. When you use this method,
you have to set the hosting option to Place On Face before picking the
location of the new fixture. Use the Pick New tool on the Work Plane panel
of the Modify | Lighting Fixtures contextual tab to move a lighting fixture
from one ceiling to another.
Face-hosted lighting fixture families can be used in areas where a ceiling
does not exist. Another choice for placement is to use the Place On Work
Plane option. This associates your fixture to a defined plane in the model.
Because of the mounting behavior of face-hosted families, it is important
to draw your reference planes in the correct direction. Drawing a reference
plane from right to left orients the plane properly for overhead lighting
upside down in the model, as shown in Figure 12.11 .
Figure 12.11 Lighting fixtures hosted by reference planes
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