Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure8.18 Warning
The space warning shown in Figure 8.18 suggests that a space exists without
an upper bounding element. Click the Save Settings button, and you will be
upper limit of the space is correct through the space's instance properties.
space and verifying that the upper limit extends past a bounding element in
the linked model.
Opening the Heating And Cooling Loads dialog box and selecting Analytical
Surfaces allows you to view and isolate the physical elements that bound the
spaces to be analyzed. You can isolate every individual bounding element
that has been defined for the space—roofs, exterior and interior walls,
ceilings, floors, and any air gaps or sliver spaces—and view them for any
modeling errors before the simulation is performed. Figure 8.19 shows how
a space can be isolated and the analytical surfaces displayed. This can help
you identify where air gaps may exist or if surfaces are improperly
categorized as interior or exterior.
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