Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Impact Point , Impact Normal , Physics Material , Hit Actor , Hit Component ,
and Hit Bone Name .
Enable Input : This enables the input functionality of the current actor.
Get AllActors Of Class : This is a search node that will look inside the current
scene for all Actor class types.
Add PaperSpriteComponent : This adds a new paper sprite component into the
Target actor using the relative transform.
Spawn Emitter at Location : This is a spawn node that instantiates an emitter
template input into a Location input with a Rotation input using the Auto Des-
troy option.
Destroy Component : This is a node that totally removes the Target component
from the current/selected actor.
Destroy Actor : This is a node that will totally remove the Target actor from the
Delay : This is a node that will work as a pause for the execution of the logic for a
duration, and then keep executing using the Complete event.
Set Text : This node usually works with the UI elements to set the text of the Tar-
get component into the Value input.
Set Flipbook : This is a node meant to change the current animation clip of a Tar-
get animated flipbook into the New Flipbook value.
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