Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
For Loop : This is a typical loop to repeat some procedure until a finish point. It
requires a first index to start with and a last index to stop when it hits.
For Loop With Break : This is a typical loop but it has an extra input as a reason
to break the loop.
Branch : This is the match of an if statement in programming languages. It takes
an input and checks whether it is True or False .
Random Integer in Range : This is a mathematical node that will give a random
integer value between a Min and Max value that you can enter.
Make Transform : This is a node that will build a transform by using three inputs
as Vector3 values. These three inputs are location, rotation, and scale.
Make Vector : This is a node that works on building a Vector3 value by using
three deferent float values as X, Y, and Z.
Break Vector : This is a node that works on breaking a Vector3 value into three
deferent float values as X, Y, and Z.
Set Material : This is a node that works on setting a material into a target mesh.
Set Visibility : This works on changing the current visibility state of the Target
actor into the New Visibility state.
Play Sound at Location : This plays a sound input at the location input.
Component Has Tag : This is a comparison node to check whether the Target
component has the Tag input value.
Actor Has Tag : This is a comparison node to check whether the Target actor has
the Tag input value.
Print String : This is a node that prints the In String value either to the screen, to
the log, or both using the Text color input as the text color.
Get Actor Location : This is the node that gets the Target actor location as a
Vector3 value.
Open Level : This is a node that loads a new level that has LevelName as an in-
Get Player Controller : This is a node which returns the player controller that
uses Input Player Index . It is heavily used to return the current player, which is
usually number 0 for a single player.
Get Hit Result Under Finger by Channel : This gets the Hit result as an output
of a finger press using the current player controller as a target. It has some ad-
vanced inputs such as the trace channel, which is better to be set to Visibility to
check the visible object only.
Break Hit Result : Any hit with the physics system has a result, which can be
very useful to do lots of things. Any hit result can provide Location , Normal ,
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