Game Development Reference
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Don't forget to assign a different fruit class to the Class value of the SpawnActor node.
And note that I picked the number 5 of fruitID to represent the bomb actor blueprint.
The pickTheRandomSpawnPoint event starts with a call to the randomizeTheFruits
function, which was made to give a random fruitID and instancingPoint . Then, start to
compare the variable instancingPoint to different values, and according to the compared
value, we choose one of the billboard components positions to be the spawn point.
Then, by getting the location for the billboard point by the Get World Location node,
we can get the value and store it to the tempLocation variable to be used in the rest of the
spawning operation with the node Spawn Actor.
Now let's add the function that will be used to add the score to the layer. Remember you
may have already added this function but it is empty. As advised in the process of creating
a fruit blueprint, you may already have the addScore node type of custom event now.
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