Game Development Reference
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Add a custom event and call it addScore if you haven't yet. Using the Integer+Integer
node and applying the playerScore variable as one of its inputs and the value of 1 to the
other input, you always get the value of 1 added to the latest score. By connecting the out-
put of this calculation to a Set node of the playerScore variable and applying the result as
a string to the TextRenderer node SetText , the score will be added and shown at the
same time in the game UI.
With the logic of showing a lose screen added to the bomb logic, we only have one case to
break the game loop, which is the losing case. Now, it is time to add the logic for a win
By comparing the playerScore variable to 50 (the maximum for this level is 50 points) in-
side Event Tick , we can do whatever we want when the player hits 50. So using the Open
Level node and setting its Level Name to the win level, we will be loading the win level
once the player scores 50.
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