Environmental Engineering Reference
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10 2
D L = longitudinal diffusion coecient
d = average soil particle diameter
v L = longitudinal velocity
10 1
D o
10 0
Transition zone
10 -1
10 -3
10 -2
10 -1
10 0
10 1
10 2
Pe = v L d/D o
Diffusion and advection dominant low regions for solutes in relation to Peclet number. (Adapted from Perkins,
T.K. and Johnston, O.C., Journal Society of Petroleum Engineering , 17, 70-83, 1963.)
advection-dominant transport (Figure 9.20). The longitudinal diffusion coeficient D L con-
sists of both the molecular diffusion coeficient D m and the hydrodynamic (mechanical)
dispersion coeficient D h . This is written as
D L = D m + D h = D o τ + α v ,
where D m is the molecular diffusion (= D o τ; D h = α v ), α is the dispersivity parameter, and
τ is the tortuosity factor.
The tortuosity factor is introduced to modify the ininite solution diffusion coeficient to
acknowledge that we do not have an ininite solution, and that diffusion of a single solute
species in a soil-water system is subject to constricting pore volumes and nonlinear paths.
Figure 9.20 shows that in the diffusion-dominant transport region, we can safely neglect
the v L term since v L is vanishingly small. Under those circumstances, the diffusion-dominant
transport region, we will have D L = D o τ . In the advection-dominant transport region, if we
consider that diffusion transport is negligible, then D L = v L . In the transition region, the
relationship for D L will be given as: D L = D o τ + α v L .
The signiicance of a correct choice or speciication of a diffusion coeficient cannot be
overstated. Figure 9.21 is a schematic illustration showing the variation of D (or D L ) coef-
icients calculated using Equation 2.2 in Section 2.5.4 of Chapter 2, and using the concen-
tration proiles shown at the left-hand side of the diagram in Figure 9.21. The Ogata and
Banks (1961) solution of the transport equation, similar to the one shown in Equation 2.2 in
Chapter 2 for an initial chloride concentration of 3049 ppm as the input source (Figure 9.22),
shows the different chloride concentration proiles obtained in relation to variations in the
D value used in the calculations. The differences are not insigniicant.
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