Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
— 32 —
Just Do It Yourself, Okay?
I KEEP GETTING EMAIL from the people who read this column telling me they're coming to
Alaska and asking me where to go. Well… but no, what am I saying to all you fine, won-
derful readers who keep me gainfully employed?
I'll tell you what. How about I dream up The Perfect Alaskan Itinerary, you clip it out
and Varathane it to your refrigerator? Good, works for me.
To begin with, plan on a minimum of two weeks. Here's an exercise in geographical per-
spective for you: Lay a transparent map of Alaska over a map of the South 48 to the same
scale. See, the map of Alaska overlays both borders and both coasts of the South 48. You
wouldn't plan on touring the continental United States in two weeks, now, would you?
So here is one possible, admittedly quick-and-dirty, summer and Southcentral specific it-
inerary just for you. I've personally experienced most of the recommendations I make, and
the topics came right off my shelf.
Day 1
Arrive in Anchorage ( ). Alaska Airlines ( )
can't be beat for frequency of Alaska-West Coast flights, and nowadays they're flying to
Boston, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Denver, too. As for where to stay, if you like
B&Bs ( / ), call Tony at the Copper Whale Inn (907
258-7999). If you'd rather have your own bathroom, we have everything from Day's Inn
(907 276-7226) to the four-star Hotel Captain Cook (907 276-6000).
Day 2
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