HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Table A-3 HTML Tags and Attributes (continued)
HTML Tag and Attributes
Defines content aside from the main page content
Defines sound content
Specifies that the audio should start playing as soon as it is ready
Specifies that playback controls should be displayed
Specifies that the audio should start over again, when it is finished
preload=auto, metadata,
Specifies whether or not the audio should be loaded when
the page loads
src= URL
Specifies the URL of the audio to play
Specifies text to appear in bold
<base />
Identifies the base in all relative URLs in the document
href= URL
Specifies the absolute URL used to resolve all relative URLs in the document
target=_blank, _self, _parent,
_top, framename
Defines the name for the default window (or frame*) in which the
hyperlinked pages are displayed
<big>….</big> **
Increases the size of the enclosed text to a type size bigger than the
surrounding text; exact display size depends on the browser and
default font
Sets enclosed text to appear as a quotation, indented on the right
and left
cite= URL
Specifies the source of the quotation
Defines the start and end of a Web page's content
alink= color **
Defines the color of an active link
background= URL **
Identifies the image to be used as a background
bgcolor= color **
Sets the document's background color
link= color **
Defines the color of links not yet visited
vlink= color **
Defines the color of visited links
<br />
Inserts a line break
Defines graphics
height= pixels
Specifies the height of the canvas
width= pixels
Specifies the width of the canvas
Creates a caption for a table
align= position **
Sets caption position
<center>….</center> **
Centers the enclosed text horizontally on the page
Indicates that the enclosed text is a citation; text is usually displayed in italics
Indicates that the enclosed text is a code sample from a program; text is
usually displayed in fixed width font such as Courier
Organizes columns in a table into column groups to share attribute values
align= position **
Sets horizontal alignment of text within the column
span= number
Sets the number of columns that span the <col> element
valign= position **
Specifies vertical alignment of text within the column
width= pixels **
Sets the width of each column in the column group
Encloses a group of <col> tags and groups the columns to set properties
align= position **
Specifies horizontal alignment of text within the column
char= character **
Specifies a character on which to align column values (for example,
a period is used to align monetary values)
New with HTML5
* Deprecated tags
** Not supported in HTML5
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