Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
water for site clean-up (recovery well), injection of water or disposal of chemicals
(injection wells), or water level measurement and water quality sampling
(observation and monitoring wells). A piezometer is a special small diameter,
nonpumping well used to measure the elevation of water table or potentiometric
Figure 2.5 shows a typical monitoring well and several terminologies one should
be familiar with for groundwater sampling. The steel or PVC plastic pipe that
extends from the surface to the screened zone is called the casing.Thewell screen,a
portion of the well that is open to the aquifer, is typically a section of slotted pipe
allowing water to flow into the well whereas coarse soil particles are screened out.
The annular space around the screen, often filled with sand or gravel to limit the
influx of fine aquifer materials, is termed the filter pack. Above the filter pack is an
annular seal, which is the seal around the annulus of the well casing. It is usually
cemented up to the surface with a low permeability material, such as bentonite clay,
Locking lid
Venting cap
Concret slab
Well casing
Annular grout
Fine sand
Bentonite seal
Fine sand
Filter pack
Well screen
Figure 2.5 Schematic of a monitoring well (adapted from the Louisiana Department of Environ-
mental Quality, 2000)
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