Environmental Engineering Reference
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L ENS PNL, H EMMINGA MA (1998), Nuclear magnetic resonance in environmental engineering: Principles
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S MITH RM (2004), Understanding Mass Spectra: A Basic Approach, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Interscience,
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1. Compare the similarities and the differences between ICP-OES and ICP-MS with regard
to the operational principles and the instrumental components.
2. What are the functions of (a) lens, (b) quadrupole, and (c) dynode detector in ICP-MS?
3. What are the uses of isotope ratio method and the isotope dilution method?
4. Explain why interface is important and essential for all hyphenated mass spectrometers.
Describe the interface used in ICP-MS, GC-MS (EI), and LC-MS (electrospray).
5. What are the major similarities and differences between the mass spectrometers used in
atomic mass spectrometry and those used in molecular mass spectroscopy?
6. Describe the ionization mechanisms for (a) electron impact (EI) ionization, (b) chemical
ionization (CI), (c) electrospray ionization (ESI), and (d) atmospheric-pressure chemical
ionization (APCI).
7. Why the molecular ions of certain compounds do not show up under EI but show up
under CI and ESI?
8. Illustrate the principles of quadrupole-based mass analyzer. Why it is also commonly
referred to as a mass filter?
9. List three other major types of mass analyzer besides the most commonly used
quadrupole-based mass analyzer.
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