Global Positioning System Reference
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Fig. 4.7. nrl nts-2 team. The nrl team that launched nts-2 included ( standing, left to
right ) Dr. Bruce Faraday, Richard Statler, Guy Burke, and Roger Easton; ( seated, left to right )
Al Bartholomew, Cdr. Bill Huston, Red Woosley, Ron Beard, Woody Ewen, and Pete Wil-
helm. (Courtesy Naval Research Laboratory)
process culminated in a compromise that incorporated the 621b spread-
spectrum signal into a constellation of satellites carrying atomic clocks in a
worldwide configuration of midaltitude orbits that resembles Timation, not
the regional constellations of 621b. During the final, critical period of negotia-
tions leading to the compromise, Parkinson appears to have played the role of
an adroit broker, navigating the differing approaches of the two services into
one aligned course. Although the two sides successfully merged the technical
specifications into a single system, their stories about which system contrib-
uted each element and how they achieved the compromise remain divergent.
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