Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Muzeum Ghetta (Ghetto Museum)
Máchova 178 • Daily: April-Oct 9am-6pm; Nov-March 9am-5.30pm • 170Kč, combined ticket with other
Terezín attractions 210Kč • 416 782 577,
Tracingthehistoryoftheghettofromitsverybeginning,the MuzeumGhetta ,whichopened
the Communists followed the consistent Soviet line by deliberately underplaying the Jewish
perspectiveonTerezín.Instead,theemphasiswasonthe Malápevnost , wherethemajorityof
victimswerenotJewish,andonthewarasananti-fascist struggle,inwhichgood(Commun-
ism andthe Soviet Union)hadtriumphed overevil (fascism andNazi Germany). The current
museum's extremely informative and well-laid-out exhibition attempts to do some justice to
the extraordinary and tragic events that took place here between 1941 and 1945, including
background displays on the measures that led inexorably to the Endlösung . There's also a
filmshotinTerezín- Hitler Gives the Jews a Town -intercutwithharrowinginterviewswith
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