Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
suitability under local conditions, and institutional, training, and monitoring requirements.
For each alternative, the environmental costs and benei ts are to be quantii ed to the extent
possible. The basis for the selection of the preferred mine development scheme must be stated.
Embrace Participation
The Equator Principles are clear and i rm on the need for public disclosure and participa-
tion. The people affected by the mine development at all levels must be consulted and given
the opportunity to participate in the environmental assessment process. Public disclosure
and participation must be open, transparent, and voluntary (IFC 2006). It is recognized,
however, that traditions in different countries vary where participation and consultation are
concerned. In consultation with local groups, a clear gender perspective must also be main-
tained. People also differ. As such, consideration should be given to the ways and extent to
which women, men, and children may be affected by the proposed mine development.
Few principles guide the process of participation of stakeholders. An initial stakeholder
mapping should be carried out to identify project-affected people and other stakeholders, and
to understand their expectations and interests. Consultation should start at the initial phase of
the mine proposal and should include the opportunity for stakeholders to actively participate
in the environmental assessment of the project. Affected people should be informed of the
nature of the project and its likely impacts in an honest and unbiased matter. To avoid the
creation of unrealistic expectations, no promises should be made that may later be revoked.
The importance of public disclosure and participation cannot be overstated, and we dis-
cuss this subject in detail in Chapter Three.
Traditions in different countries
vary where participation and
consultation are concerned.
Understand the Legislative and Regulatory Framework
Attention to the legislative and regulatory framework as it applies to a given mining
project is essential for understanding the administrative procedures required to support
the environmental assessment process. Most countries have developed specii c EIA guide-
lines, and most of them are similar in their general nature and their intent. OECD (1998,
1999) provide a helpful comparison of various EIA schemes.
Environmental assessment must always comply with applicable environmental laws
and regulations of the host country. Developing countries, however, sometimes lack spe-
cii c guidance or standards. Regulatory standards may be incomplete, or due to lack of
experience, may be too stringent to be practical for some industries ( Case 2.5 ).
If international lenders are involved, established international industry practices and
standards often complement the applicable national legislative and regulatory framework.
CASE 2.4
Exporting Oil from Sakhalin Island
The Russian Government has argued for
turning natural gas from the Sakhalin
Island into liquid form and shipping it on
tankers to broaden the range of potential
customers. Exxon says this option is too
expensive. But Ivan Malakhov, the current
governor of Sakhalin, says Exxon should
show Russia all the potential options, not
just its preferred one. 'If you're telling us
this girl is the prettiest one, then show us
the photos of the others we haven't seen.
So far, we've seen only one lady.'
Source: The Wall Street Journal, May 8,
Pinup Girl: adopted from Art by Andy
Nortnik ( www.andynortnik.com )
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