Graphics Programs Reference
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Figure 5. A plane primitive with a green color assigned to the top face. The plane is 1000x1000 units
Figure 6. The 1000x1000 unit plane when viewed from within a game development environment from
the perspective of a character standing in the middle of the world
viewed from within a modeling program, viewing
the plane within the game development environ-
ment can create a different feeling. Viewing a
model inside of the game development environ-
ment consists of two steps: (1) exporting the
model from the modeling program as a file in a
standard transfer format, e.g.,.FBX; and (2) im-
porting the file into the development environment.
Figure 6 is the view that a six-foot tall character
would see when standing in the middle of the
plane and looking towards the horizon.
Step 2. Modeling the Sky. The sky in a
simple virtual world can be implemented by add-
ing a sphere primitive that is large enough to
engulf the terrain you created in step 1, and then
removing the elements in the bottom half of the
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