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Rovai, A. P. (2000). Building and sustaining
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Villar, L. M., & Alegre, O. M. (2006a). Online
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Villar, L. M., & Alegre, O. M. (2007b). Online
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Villar, L. M., & Alegre, O. M. (2008). Supporting
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Smith, K., & Tillema, H. (2003). Clarifying
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Wang, T. H., Wang, K. H., & Huang, S. C. (2008).
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Webster-Wright, A. (2009). Reframing pro-
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of Educational Research , 79 (2), 702-739.
Straub, E. T. (2009). Understanding technology
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learning. Review of Educational Research , 79 (2),
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Wilson, B. G. (2004). Designing e-learning en-
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Educational Technology Research and Develop-
ment , 52 (4), 77-84. doi:10.1007/BF02504720
Van Kemenade, E., Pupius, M., & Hardjono,
T. W. (2008). More value to defining quality.
Quality in Higher Education , 14 (2), 175-185.
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