Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Put simply, Seville puts the exotic into Spain. This passionate city is the home of the
soul-ripping sound of flamenco, the sombre and spectacular Semana Santa pro-
cessions, the glory and gore of bullfighting, and the jolly relief of the Feria de Abril .
The divine Alcázar and near-perfect Giralda point to the majesty of Seville's Moor-
ish past and the enormous Catedral will simply blow you away.
1½ hours Along the AP4 Two hours
Cádiz ( Click here )
Surrounded on three sides by water, Cádiz' lovely buildings have a languid water-
front atmosphere, while its tightly packed white-walled streets pulse with life. High-
lights include the Catedral with stunning views from its tower and signposts to what
may be Europe's oldest continuously inhabited city. Above all, though, this is a city
that just loves to have fun.
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