Environmental Engineering Reference
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of farming would be impossible. Yet, according to the calculations of the climate
researchers, this new climate state would then remain stable again for thousands of
2.3.2 Recommendations for Effective Climate Protection
The only thing that could help to keep climatic effects at a manageable level and
prevent some nasty surprises, such as the disappearance of the Gulf Stream, would
be a speedy reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. By 2050 greenhouse gas emis-
sions worldwide would have to be reduced to half of what they were in 1990.
The industrialized countries are currently causing the biggest per-head output of
greenhouse gases. The developing and emerging countries justifi ably want to catch
up in terms of prosperity and energy demand. Therefore, the industrialized countries
have to make the biggest contribution towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Emission reduction targets were formulated for countries such as Germany, Great
Britain and the USA as far back as the late 1980s. Today the need to meet these
targets is even more critical (Enquete-Kommission 'Vorsorge zum Schutz der
Erdatmosphäre' des 11. Deutschen Bundestages, 1990). Based on decisions made
in 1990, the following targets have been set as a minimum goal for industrialized
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 25 to 30% by 2005
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 40 to 50% by 2020
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 80% by 2050
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 90% by 2100
2.4 Diffi cult Birth - Politics and Climate Change
2.4.1 German Climate Policy
The realization that the consequences of an increase in climate warming represent
a previously unknown type of threat for mankind fi nally struck home with the politi-
cians in the 1980s. At the time the public was developing a keen awareness of the
environment. Dying forests, respiratory illnesses due to air pollution and the risk of
nuclear power were topics that had a big impact on people. It was no longer possible
to ignore global environmental problems.
In 1987 the German Bundestag (Lower House of Parliament) appointed the cross-
party Enquete commission to deal with the issue of protecting the earth's atmos-
phere. The commission studied the problems relating to climate change and drew
up clear recommendations for reducing greenhouse gases (see above).
The fi rst target of a 25% reduction by the year 2005 was adopted by the conserva-
tive government of Helmut Kohl. After reunifi cation the policy was extended from
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